Thursday, August 28, 2014

PBP -- As bad as PCP -- stands for

Poisoned by Processed food.  One need not look far to see the results of overeating of processed foods  -- travel to any Walmart or Costco and you'll see people who are not only obese but those that are morbidly obese -- needing a motorized wheel chair just to traverse the store -- stocking up on processed/junk food.

I live in Florida.  We had a ton of drug addicts (crack addicts, heroine, cocaine) -- you name it, we have it.  But just as many emaciated drug addicts are the other addicts -- food addicts.  Obesity runs in my family.  I can name a few off hand that are morbidly obese -- but as one family member put it when he saw me eating a salad -- if he had to eat like that -- he'd rather die.  Very odd.  When I think I have an uncle with by-pass surgery -- if you saw him eat -- hasn't slowed down one iota.

Another "friend" was out with us.  He's had shunts put in surgically -- he ordered the sausage???  Is food that important to us?  You bet it is.  His answer is when his blood thickens he can feel the pressure to the shunt, so he takes a baby aspirin and that thins his blood???  Wow.  All I can say is wow.

As someone once told me (my old boss) -- it takes a whole lot of food to maintain a body that's up over 300...  They are eating something.  I realize it may not be quantity so much as quality of food.  Cheap meat (factory farmed), starches and processed foods -- all poison.  Seems radical but when I was a little girl (many moons ago) I remember saying to my mom stress causes cancer -- people laughed -- they aren't laughing any more.  I think processed foods shuts off some receptor in our cells that tells it when to stop storing fat.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

miami woman (My Idol really)

My daughter sent me this a while back.  I'm just "getting it" -- figuratively.

It's a news story about a woman who juices.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Raw Vegan.... Never thought I would see the day. Movies that got me there...

Getting Psyched.

Food/Health movie titles

The Gerson Miracle
Forks over knives
Food Inc.
The Beautiful Truth
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead
Food Matters
Hungry for a Change
Super Juice Me
Ghost in our Machines
In Organic we Trust

Watched In Organic We Trust last night.  All these movies are eye opening.  Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is still my favorite.  Because, at the time, Joe Cross wasn't selling anything.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Gearing up....

I ordered 3 books from Amazon yesterday.  All by the guy who did the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.

I also joined a Facebook group for advice, and support.

I received notice today that my books have shipped.  Yippeee!

Hoping that my back ordered juicer will ship on the 28th as they promised.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wooooo Hooooo! About to embark on a 60 day "journey" into juicing

Ok.  So, a few weeks back I was in Boston for a family wedding.  I've been feeling over all crappy.  I seem to have "frozen shoulder" and it is extremely painful  (the pain in almost constant -- with intermittent spikes of even more pain).  For this, I was put on NSAID (non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs) and pain killers.  Uggh.  I hate the whole drug scene.  (Pharmaceuticals).  This was compounded by the "you'll start off with cortisone injections -- if they don't work, then it'll be surgery).  -- I have nothing against the medical profession, but it is never a cure -- it's a pill for every ill followed by surgery.    I think about my thyroid medication and the fact that so many people have said "why don't you just have it taken out?"

While at the wedding, I played badminton -- well, I was wearing a fitted (snug) tweed like dress -- when I reached and swung, I ripped the seam in my dress.  This was an eye opener for me.  I had gained a bit of weight (I think maybe due to the NSAIDs).  I saw pictures of myself -- yikes -- I look old, tired and fat! (but other than that, I looked great).

I got on-line and ordered a juicer.  The problem was that it was backordered.  I wasn't told it was out of stock until AFTER I ordered it.  A bit annoying, but such is life....  In the meantime.  I've ordered some books.  I had seen the documentary Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead maybe about a year ago at the suggestion of my eldest daughter.  I rewatched the show, there's new books associated with it -- I got the reboot book, the recipe book and the juice recipe book.  Yippeeee!  Once the juicer arrives, I'll be starting a 60 journey... Into juicing.  (I'm looking forward to it... kind of...).

I'll post on this blog for the 60 days and hope to remember the before and after photo... (always important).