Saturday, September 20, 2014

How much??? How much is it worth to you?

Americans (in particular) are addicted to cheap goods.  Unfortunately, that includes our food. Instead of buying the best food we can afford, marketers know things like "a dollar menu" entices us. When I hear "it's too expensive to juice" -- I wonder "is good health reserved for the rich?"  And if so wouldn't the wealthy never suffer from any ills nor would they ever have to take medication.  Certainly, they would never be obese.  But this is not the case. So how much is your health worth?

It's not cheap to juice.  You need a juicer.  In addition there are variable costs.  Coconut water (stuff isn't cheap) and vegetables.  I buy organic (definitely not cheap).  I go to farmers markets and try to stock up on seasonal stuff, but I have to have my mean green.  I have that 2x a day -- every day.

So, what is the cost of just my mean green.  Here's a breakdown.

Kale (16 leaves)      $2.99
Cukes 2                   $3.00
8 celery sticks         $1.00
4 apples                   $1.00
1 lemon                   $0.40
2" ginger                 $0.30

I add a head of romaine 
Romaine                 $1.00

This makes 64 oz. of juice for me.  That is 2 servings each for my husband and I.

So, let's round to $10 for the ingredients.  I divide that by 4 so that's $2.50 per meal.  I have four 16 oz. servings a day, so that's about $10 a day.  Is it cheap, no.  Is it worth it yes!

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