Friday, November 1, 2013


It all started with a bottle of old (from the 80's) wine.  It was sitting (on its side) in my pantry, well since the 80's.  What a waste you say (yeah probably).  The cork got compromised... Somehow the wine had seeped almost through the cork turning it a brown/gooey looking top.  That meant that air has also gotten to the wine.

I went on line and read about making your own vinegar.  I guess the one thing you need is a "mother" -- which is like a starter -- I compare it to when people make yogurt and you need the live active cultures.

Anyway it takes a dark bottle or one covered so it doesn't get light.  A cloth cover so air gets in but nothing else. and the mother.

I didn't have a mother, so I went to one of my other vinegars and scooped out the left over mother in the bottom and threw it in.  Wine/beer making stores have "mothers" -- I'll have to check into it.... with more vigor -- this batch was kind of just a lark.

Now supposedly most vinegars are "dead" due to pasteurization.  Similar to yogurt cultures, vinegars are supposed to have beneficial bacterias.

Total time is 60 days for "brewing".

back it goes into a dark cool place....

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