Monday, October 21, 2013

Kamut berries???

Huh??  What the....  Never heard of them.  Well, I hadn't tried or really heard of Farrow either, so here goes nothing.

I bought these in the bulk section of whole foods...  Just because.  I hadn't tried (or even heard) of them.
Perhaps, once a month, I'll just explore around and find something I haven't eaten -- and try it.  I've gotten some hits (and some misses).

A while back,  I was in Massachusetts.  I went to the Christmas Tree Shop there.  For those of you that don't know it, it has very little to do with Christmas.  It may have started off having something to do with Christmas -- now it is just a plethora of marked down things (mostly made in China) and a food section.  There was a pretty large selection of Bob's Red Mill stuff.  Whole foods carry Bob's as do select Walmart -- I'm most familiar with the flour selection. -- TO my point.  When I looked up the directions on how to cook the kamut berries -- Bob's has a site -- and the instructions.

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